Virtual Legality
Virtual Legality
Virtual Legality is a continuing series discussing the law, video games, software, and everything digital, hosted by Richard Hoeg, of the Hoeg Law Business Law Firm (Hoeg Law).
Richard Hoeg

Sony to CMA: Activision MUST Remain Independent | A Legal Look (VL746 - LIVE)

E746 • Nov 23, 2022 • 183 mins

In this episode, Richard Hoeg explores three potential theories of harm in the digital world, focusing on the console market, subscription services, and cloud gaming. The discussion concludes with a Q+A session.

Key Points

  • Sony argues that the only way to preserve robust competition and protect consumers and independent developers is to ensure that Activision remains independently owned and controlled.
  • Sony contends that Microsoft's acquisition of Activision would give it control over irreplaceable content, like Call of Duty, tipping the balance of the gaming industry irreparably in Microsoft's favor.
  • Sony believes that Microsoft's acquisition of Activision would harm consumers in the short and long term by reducing competition, increasing prices, and lowering the quality and innovation in games.
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